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Sunday Morning Worship

The service begins with an organ prelude, a choral introit, and a responsive Call to Worship led by the lay liturgist. The congregation is invited to greet one another before hearing announcements about upcoming events.

The congregation moves into a time of prayer as they sing a quiet Prayer Song which leads us into a devotional time. There is a time for Silent Prayer, the Pastor offers prayers and then everyone shares in the Lord's Prayer. The choir responds with a choral Amen. Our time of devotion continues as the chancel choir, one of the bell choirs or other special music provides the Offertory anthem and the ushers pass plates to collect the offering. After the offering is collected, the congregation stands to sing the Doxology and the offering is presented at the chancel steps and the Liturgist shares a prayer of devotion.

We then shift into a time built around the message of the morning as the Liturgist reads the scripture that presents the theme of the message. The Choir responds with another Anthem, presenting the theme in a musical setting. Then Rev. Choi shares a message, which brings the theme home for the congregation.

The music, announcements, and sermon are also projected onto the screen behind the communion table.

Communion is observed the first Sunday of every month. In the United Methodist church all are welcome to participate in communion.