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Gift To The World - Alternative Giving

NUMC’s Gift To The World - Alternative Giving program is available throughout the year. Show your love and appreciation by sending your friends, relatives, church volunteers, and business associates a “Gift to the World." You will be showing that you care about them, and the world we live in. A card will be sent to the recipient informing them of the gift from you for the specific occasion/reason.

You may donate to any of these projects in the spirit of giving:

  1. North Valley Caring Services - serving the North Hills area for over 35 years.
  2. Imagine No Malaria - UMC-CalPac Conference joins hands with Africa to eliminate death and suffering from Malaria.
  3. Haven Hills - SFV residential shelter for victims of domestic violence.
  4. Chrysalis - changing lives through jobs.
  5. Give Ye Them To Eat (GYTTE) - integrated development mission project in Central Mexico.
  6. Heifer Project International - provides livestock to undeveloped countries.
  7. S.H.A.R.E. - Support for the Handicapped And their Rehabilitation through Education - Wesleyan University - Philippines

If there is another project you would like to support, please talk to a member of the NUMC Missions committee to get approval.

GYTTE - Give Ye Them to Eat

GYTTE was founded in 1977 as a social outreach project of the Methodist Church of Mexico to combat hunger and poverty in the rural sector. The purpose of the "Give Ye Them to Eat" program (GYTTE) is to strengthen the capabilities of marginalized people and communities to meet their basic needs, and to determine and sustain a just and integrated development process. Participatory methods and development tools are used to create conditions in which change can take place from within the communities. GYTTE uses people-centered approaches to development.

Check out pictures from the 2013 NUMC Mission Trip to GYTTE
Read the December 2013 Newsletter
Read the January 2014 Newsletter
Check out pictures from the 2015 NUMC Mission Trip to GYTTE

Find GYTTE on Facebook
Meet Alejandro Rodriguez-Acevedo
Meet Carmen Aracelis Melendez-Collado

Youth Missions - Sierra Service Project

The Youth will be in mission with SSP again. Stay tuned for more information.

Find SSP on Facebook

North Valley Caring Services (NVCS) facebook

Northridge UMC members and constituents have supported North Valley Caring Services (NVCS) for many years - in the breakfast program, in the youth program, through the Bike-A-Thon and Play-A-Thon fundraisers, through sponsorship of the Children's Christmas Mart, collecting food and money for the food pantry and breakfast programs, collecting towels and toiletries for the homeless shower program, and through service on the NVCS board. In 2011 NUMC led a work-team in refurbishing the NVCS facilities - new windows, air conditioners and interior painting. In 2012 NUMC has assisted in providing Legal Clinics on Immigration through NVCS.

Costa Rica Mission Projects

Costa Rica Mission Projects is a support ministry for the Methodist Church of Costa Rica. They are dedicated to building long lasting relationships between Christian brothers and sisters from the US and Costa Rica.

Mission teams work with CRMP staff and Costa Rica Methodists to build churches, Sunday schools, and parsonages throughout Costa Rica. CRMP has also led mission teams from Costa Rica to the United States and to other Latin American countries for at least five years.

Read the CRMP Winter Newsletter, written by Wil and Yolanda Bailey, here!
Check out pictures from the 2014 NUMC Mission Trip to CRMP here!

Philippine Ministries

UMCOR - United Methodists Committee on Relief

UMCOR'S mission is to alleviate human suffering -- whether caused by war, conflict, or natural disaster -- with open minds and hearts to all people.

Change In the World

Your change can change the world.

Here's how it works:
There is a small display in the narthex of the church where you will find some jars. Take a jar home, place it in some convenient location and over time fill it with your loose change. Bring it back and the change will then be combined with the change of others and dispersed to a variety of projects that will ultimately change the world.

Here is an example:

There was an enthusiastic, dedicated Bible study group with good leadership at a village church in the Philippines. There was a problem. They only had one bible. The Change the World Program provided the needed Bibles, in the local language, plus plenty of extras. This, along with many other projects will change the world.