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Jazz Vespers at NUMC

2020 Schedule

Due to COVID-19, a new schedule will be available in June.

What happens at Jazz Vespers?

In some Christian traditions, there is a regular form for a worship service that would take place after sunset, or in the early evening: Vespers. That name is the only thing traditional about Jazz Vespers.

Jazz on the other hand speaks to the non-traditional way of doing things. Jazz is a free wheeling expression of musical charm that expresses itself from Blues to Rag Time, from Dixieland to New Orleans, from Big Band to solo expressions, Jazz is by definition non-traditional.

Every month we are privileged to present some of the best Jazz artists in the world.

We begin at 6 pm with our host welcoming us and introducing the musicians who will play. Our artists du jour open a twenty to thirty minute set of music to please the soul. During a short break we often feature other artists in other mediums. Then the music continues until nearly 7 pm.

The artists and musicians who have shared their talents with us over the years reads like a whose who of the brightest and best in the greater LA Metroplex.

Everyone is welcome, dress is casual, an offering basket is placed at the entry.
Sign up for the Jazz Vespers email newsletter to stay up to date on the latest service!

If you want to understand the power of this servie, view/listen to the closing message from March 13th: Praise God by Edna Tatum, recited by Yvette Hartley, underscored by Lanny Hartley. Then spend some time with the rest of the videos archived below.

Services Archived on Youtube

Our youtube channel has a playlist of all recorded Jazz Vesper services.

Janice Anderson and the Hot Medusa Quintet from the March 13th 2016 Jazz Vespers