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Sharing our faith and friendship.

Northridge United Methodist Church is a busy church! Something is always going on at the NUMC campus, whether it is a dinner, movie, book group or activity, there is a group of NUMCers meeting together and building their faith and friendship.

Fred Rohde

Soul Food Cafe

Soul Food Cafe is a once-monthly event on the first Wednesday of every month. The team offers a donations-only dinner to the church and surrounding community at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall at NUMC.

Come join us for some food and fellowship!




Eat Out Mondays

The second Monday of every month is known as "Eat Out Monday!". The entire congregation is invited to dine at one of our local restaurants. A portion of the proceeds (between 15-25%) will go to benefit our family ministries programming.


church members gathered for a hike

All Church Hikes

The NUMC Hikers meet monthly to explore the local trails and enjoy time together in the beautiful surrounding parklands. Hikes are scheduled the first Saturday of each month. Trails are selected with all ages and abilities in mind.

Meets the 1st Saturday of each month 8:30 am in the church parking lot.

more about all church hikes


UMW - United Methodist Women

The United Methodist Women are an integral part of the Methodist Church by their prayers, service, gifts and their support of missions, home and abroad. The purpose of the United Methodist Women is to know God and to experience freedom as whole person through Jesus Christ, to develop a creative, supportive fellowship and to expand concepts of missions through participation in the global ministries of the church.

UMW has many active groups and programs from Bridge and Bowling to Arts and Crafts.
more about UMW

Book Club

The Book Club meets the third Monday of month in homes at 7:00 p.m. We read a pre-selected book each month and discuss it the next month. Call church office for more information.


Cracker Barrel

Come and join in lively discussions about anything anyone wants to bring up religion, politics, the economy, international relations, jokes, technology, you name it. We usually have about 10 to 12 guys, drinking coffee, eating a doughnut and discussing what's on their mind. Come and go as you wish.

Cracker Barrel meets at 10:00 am on Tuesdays and Fridays in the Library.

Women's Bridge

First Tuesday of the month

10 am in Kendall Building

Bring your lunch as we enjoy a time to play bridge.

The Methodist Money Makers

An Investment Club associated with the National Association of Investment Clubs. The goal of the Club is education in buying and selling stocks.

Monthly dues are $50 for investing. No buy-in required. Miscellaneous fees are $30 to $50 per year. Some work required in researching and presenting stocks to the group. A Personal Computer and web access is desirable. Guests welcome. Must be Northridge United Methodist Church member or attend on a regular basis.

4th Monday of each month (except December) in the church library at 7 pm for approximately two hours.


Primetimers is a fellowship group for seniors that meets to attend plays, visit museums, and other venues, and are found to frequently be having dinner together after an event. Geared primarily towards seniors, but all ages are welcome.

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." Thessalonians 5:11

Contact Char Anderson for more information.