Parking - The main sanctuary is located on Reseda Blvd., but the main parking area is off of Superior St. If you park in the main lot you can walk to the Sanctuary either through the Fellowship Hall or around the parking lot to the main drop-off area.
After walking through the gardens (we hope you had time to stop and smell the roses), you will enter the sanctuary, be greeted by an usher and given a bulletin with an order of worship and upcoming events in the life of the church. You are welcome to use the Bibles and hymnals in each pew or follow along on the screen during the service.
If you have children bring them with you! We offer a VBS-style Sunday School time during the service in the Kendall Building. If you have really little ones, you can stop by the nursery, and drop off the littles or bring them with you and make use of the cry room if you need it.
The service will include Communion, if it is the first Sunday of the month, all who believe in God are invited to join in communion when the ushers invite you. You do not need to be a member of the church.
We ask that you sign in using the registration pad at the end of each pew. Why? We wnt to know that you are here and if you need anything. We invite you to include prayer requests and contact information.
Gathering - Plan to stay after the 10:00 am service for the Fellowship time (beginning at 11:00 am) which includes beverages and snacks, or grab a wonderful hot breakfast from our Soul Food Crew.
Interested in more? There are lots of ways to be involved in the God's work. What is God calling you to do?