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Handbell Choirs

NUMC currently has two handbell choirs, both under the direction of Ruben Mendoza: The Celebration Ringers and the Jubilee Bells.


The Celebration Ringers is a group of 12 - 15 experienced musicians who ring monthly at the traditional worship service at 9:00 am Their repertoire of advanced arrangements of sacred compositions ranges from joyful and uplifting to reflective. Their rendition of "Shall We Gather at the River?" is particularly touching.

This active ensemble also performs occasional concerts for the community at large as well as for the congregation. At least once a year they ring with other handbell choirs in events sponsored by the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers.

The skilled men and women of the Celebration Ringers use a wide variety of techniques, playing 5 octaves of Shulmerich bells (with another 2 octaves servings as "extras") and 5 octaves of Malmark Handchimes. The handbells are a handful!



The Celebration Ringers rehearse Wednesday evenings in Room 5/6 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. True to their name, they "celebrate" frequently, getting together for evening dinners. Individuals with bell choir experience who are interested in joining should contact Dr. Joseph Lee.


The Jubilee Bells is a growing group of both adult and youth ringers. This cross-generational ensemble plays beginning handbell music.

It's a wonderful way for people to:

  • Learn to read music
  • Make new friends
  • Build self confidence
  • Participate more fully in worship

They perform occasionally at worship services and during the holidays. Rehearsals are Wednesdays, 5:00 - 6:30 pm in Room 5/6.

New members are always welcome, no experience necessary. Contact Dr. Joseph Lee or vist the next rehearsal.