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At NUMC, "Glee" is nothing new!

Youth Choir

Now in the days of youth, When life flows fresh and free,
Thou Lord of all our hearts and lives, We give ourselves to thee.



The NUMC Youth Choir continues a long tradition of excellent music education programs for young people at Northridge United Methodist. Youth Choir features six to ten girls and boys in grades 6 through 12. Youth Choir sings two- to four-part vocal arrangements from a variety of music genres, including classical and Christian pop music.

All youth who enjoy singing and are interested in developing as musicians are encouraged to join. Youth Choir sings in worship services approximately every six weeks, including concerts and holiday programs. Rehearsals are 11:00 am - 11:45 am Sundays in the Fireside Room.

Our fervent gift receive, And fit us to fulfill,
Through all our days, in all our ways, Our heavenly Father's will.
--"Now in the Days of Youth"
From Hymns for Youth